
About Limited Editions

I want you to feel like you own something that is unique, a beautiful print that very few others will have. As such, all of my prints are sold as limited editions. For most of my photos I offer three print sizes to choose from: smaller sizes are limited to 35 prints, medium sizes are limited to 20 prints, and the largest size is limited to just 10 prints. That’s it. There will only be 65 total prints of the majority of my photographs available for purchase, and no more than 2 Artists Proofs for my own uses (to display on my wall, to give to my Mom, to loan to a gallery, etc). And during my lifetime those 2 Artists Proofs won’t be offered for sale.

After the last edition of a photograph is sold I will no longer sell fine art prints of that photograph. I retain the right to use any of my photographs for marketing, self promotion, and stock purposes, in digital or printed form, on my own site or third party site, and / or as part of a printed advertisement or magazine article. With technology ever changing there may be other avenues of use in the future but those uses will still be limited to those mentioned above.