
Privacy Policy

Site Security
I use Let’s Encrypt SSL to secure my site. Please insure there is a locked padlock icon to the left of the URL in your browser particularly during the checkout process to be sure that your data is encrypted. If at any time while you are on my site or going through the checkout and the padlock icon is not locked please don’t continue with the transaction. Send me an email or give me a call to let me know what page you were on so I can look into the issue.

Tracking Code & Cookies
I use Google Analytics to help me optimize my site and track visitors. When you visit my site Google creates a cookie that is stored on your computer with information about your visit. For more information about what data Google collects and how it is used please visit https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites

Shopping Cart
My site uses WooCommerce to organize and display my photos for sale and WooCommerce Payments to process payments. When you place an order my site will collect your name, address, phone number, products ordered, and a note about your payment. WooCommerce Payments uses Stripe to securely process credit card transactions. Your credit card information is not visible to me nor stored on my site, it is sent directly to Stripe for processing. If you choose to save your credit card information during the checkout process that information is stored securely on Stripe’s servers.

For more information about how WooCommerce handles your data please visit https://woocommerce.com/document/woocommerce-security-faq

Your Data
I will never sell your name, address, or phone number to anyone and will only use that information to complete your order or contact you if needed. At this time (June 29, 2023) I don’t have a newsletter or other marketing emails in active use. When I start using additional marketing material I will send out one notice to past customers informing you of this with information on how to subscribe. I will not automatically add you to the marketing mail list or newsletter subscription so if you don’t want to subscribe you can just ignore the notice and you won’t receive any additional marketing emails from me.